Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lost In Sound Reviews Grampaspaceshuttle!

"Much like the first few times that I was introduced to Squarepusher or Shpongle, as I listen to Supersillyus’ music I find myself thinking over and over, “Where the fuck did he come up with that sound?!” His debut album,“Grampaspaceshuttle,” is a 15 track wacky-coaster ride through the creative mind of electronic producer Rob Uslan. Uslan grew up inhaling In-N-Out burgers and soaking up the sun in Los Angeles, before spending the past four years training as a wizard-like producer in the Allston neighborhood of Boston. He welds “traditional” IDM, ambient, noise, psytrance, and trip-hop which, as you can imagine, produces a nearly indescribable sound."

*This is an excerpt from Lost in Sound's review of Grampaspaceshuttle. To read the full review, click here!

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